
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Facilitate This! (Osho Afroz mc, July 2014, Eressos-Lesvos)

I wouldn’t expect a group like the Osho Meditation Facilitator Training to be the exceptionally fun experience that it was when I did two years ago in Osho Afroz.

Making a seminar a fun and exciting experience is the best way to bypass the analytical impediments of the mind and transfuse learning. The Garimo-Kaifi twin was a joy to be led by in this experiential learning. I can say that the images speak for this.

There are a lot I could say to recommend this group but the information is already available and the images convey the feeling of this journey. I’ll just add that in this particular group of 2014 somebody turned around and said: “It might not happen again that all the Afroz family meets in a group like this.”

Everyone was in that room. And it brought us even more closer together. I even know about a great love affair that started in Gaia round room but I’m not into gossiping, so you’re not going to take a word from me.

 The thing is that every experience like this is unique. When you’re meeting with people in such an energy in the Buddha field and you realize that this exact combination of people and energies are not going to meet again, you start even more seeing everything in your life as a one moment unique experience that it can never repeat again. This doesn’t only make facilitating and meditating deeper but also life richer.

So, I will close this with the link to the group’s page
and two quotes from Osho on this.

“Before you start doing a technique, be fully alert that you have understood it. Each technique is for bringing about a revolution in you. First try to understand the technique absolutely rightly.”  Osho

“It will be good for you also. This is my observation, that there are many things that you learn only when you start teaching them. The best way to learn a thing is to teach it.” Osho

For another post from Osho Afroz, check out this:
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