
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Picked By The Moment (Gypsy Buddhas Under The Olive Tree)

Every year, during the olive picking season (around October-November), people from all around the world gather at Osho Afroz meditation center, in Eressos-Lesvos, for to weeks, to participate in  harvesting the olives from the trees of the center. Some of them have previous experience and others not, with the main reason for participating -from my point of view- is to experience a direct contact with nature and a traditional way of interacting with it. Eventhought it might seem as a heterogenous multinational crowd at first sight, the event could probably be one (if not the only) of the rarest occasions were the olive picking is happening naturaly and traditionaly, with no machines and technology involved, and most of all, in a communal way, as it was taking place for all of human history. For me, this one of the reasons that makes it an exceptional event. Another one is that it takes place in the space of meditation. This is a story of the olive picking season of filmed in Octobre 2017. The person interviewed, Wolfgang from Germany, is not a sannyasin and it was his first time in the center, which I believe gives a certain freshness to his testimony. Finally, the thing is that words, not even images, are not enough to describe what an amazing experience is to be in the Buddha field of Osho Afroz and in Eressos...