
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Zorba LesBuddha (Double full moon Eresos)

The first time that I played a solo acoustic live with my Deep Soul Divers project at the Turtle canteen at the beach of Eresos, Lesvos, was not only a full moon night, but one of the two that August had that year. If you’ve ever been in Eresos you know how magical a full moon night can be. Especially since my full moon night was at the end of the month, and not many people were still around. Τhat meant not many people were coming at the canteen, but -possibly because of this- the atmosphere was very good and cozy. There was a feeling of family, like playing live in your living room, which I enjoyed a lot that night. Among the people in the Turtle that night, was a woman which I knew by face from all the years I've been coming to Eresos. I probably haven't talked to her before that night. But I’ve seen her often enough to know she was an active member of the lesbian community of Eresos, and to have an impression of her as a very outgoing character.

The live session flowed wonderfuly in the night, and everybody had a good time, which couldn't be otherwise, with so much love and support from the Turtle's owner Michalis and his team. After the live, as I was putting the guitar in its case this woman called me to her table to share some raki. Soon the “family” of Turtle gathered to celebrate and relax under the beautiful full moon. So I had the opportunity to meet her and have a taste of her charisma to invite people and positive atmosphere around her. As we were chatting, enjoying the moon over Eresos Sea on every sip of the raki, she turned with a childlike spontaneity silvery flashing in her eyes and said to me: “You have to write an August full moon song”.

Even though I didn't take it seriously at the moment, the energy was so carefree and beautiful that night, that I actually sat down one of the next days and put my mind and heart into writing something. I didn't develop it any further than a first draft, since what I came up with didn't feel very good. Like I was having the intention but not really an inspiration to do it. Two years later, in this summer of 2017, before I come again to home Eresos, I happened to find that piece of paper. Reading it, I realized and decided that what I had written wasn't really worth, so I threw it away. But at the same time I realized that the remembrance of that night and the spontaneity and innocence with which this woman had urged me to “write an August full moon song” has kept a space in me as a seed of an idea. And this feeling wasn’t -and couldn't be-thrown away.

Coming to Eresos, I didn't see her or heard about her, until I learnt about a serious health problem she went through during the winter. Now, I understood why she wasn't here and suspected that I wouldn't get to see her. Until one beautiful hot summer day of September in Budda Bar (Zorba the Buddha). I turned my head and saw her, she looked at me and I went straight to her into a warm hug, like two old friends meeting again. While we were chatting and she was telling me about her adventure, I watched her face shine, like a child's. And then, later on the same day, this August full moon seed came out of the ground and I started writing...

As you asked me to write an August full moon song,
I saw you dissolving in your love for this land,  your skin becoming like the sand, your eyes like the sea, your wounds like the stars and the full moon, and your voice, the tongue of the land.

As you asked me to write an August full moon song,
I saw you, spreading your light to the world,
brighter than the moon, prouder, like the sun.
You asked, and you set yourself on living life as a poem.

I started writing, but there’s no end to this song, accepting whatever comes,
and keep on keeping on, then start again courageous, sensitive, the light shining from your eyes, from those who come and go, some will look and realize, get to know, get to feel home, this tiny eternity, where time dissolves.

In the way you asked me to write this song, I saw how you step aside for life to find its space, opening your wings like a book would drop its leaves for the stories to nurture the world.

I saw how we can be in joy and celebration and if life brings up suffering and frustration, we’ll keep playing our part well and let it bring us more closer to each other, closer to our true self.

You passed through fire, you passed the dark, but when wondering where the earth is in this space your heart knew exactly where here is, and when I look into your eyes, I had a glimpse of the song, and the dancing, of life and death in one, of how we let go in just dance, until the mask can’t hold on no more and drops, and become the dancing, one in all.

To remind you, life came up with the sword and you came to meet her with the feather, and you won, by letting go, by stepping beyond fighting.

As you asked me to write a full moon song you really whispered...remember, a soul needs to be seen, so full into its moon, and all these things we say, from tomorrow, there’s no tomorrow.

Now I know what this scarecrow on the side of the road mean, what we’re leaving behind, and it doesn't scare no more,  can't stop the flow, now I know why these rusty rocks always felt me melting core, why in this desert landscape I can’t escape, but quit the busy and meet myself, why home is where…the full moon, the dawn. Why, there’s no alone, such a universal communion on this shore, under the full moon, into compassion as the waves are washing up our soul.

I came down from my meditation tree to find you at Zorba the Buddha, present in enlightened presence, taking life by an unknowable hand, rhyming no words but with sensitivity, of a love torn heart.

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